KORT Payments

What is the difference between KORT and companies like Square?

Jamie Berman
Jamie Berman

Square is an aggregator, which means that you accept payments using their merchant account and are bundled into that account with other small businesses. KORT is a merchant account provider, so we provide you with your own merchant account with customized pricing and service plans that are unique to your business. Check out this article for a more in-depth comparison.

In addition, KORT is an omnichannel payment processor, meaning that you can accept payments any way you want to do business including online with eCommerce and virtual terminals; on premise with traditional terminals, tablet POS, and mobile devices; and in the field with mobile card readers or chip and pin devices. We also enable you to accept payments via recurring billing plans and e-invoicing tools. With point solutions like Square, Stripe, and PayPal, you are limited in the ways you can accept payments.